wav I don't think mpg123 supports multichannel audio and I am not sure aboiut ogg123 but I think you could use the new video support in the next version to use omxplayer to play an audio-only 'video' file to get multichannel audio output. Thanks to being purpose-built for the hardware, it has been heavily optimized. Just install it with: apt-get install audacity. Of course, you can copy a music file to your Pi, play it (omxplayer is a nice commandline player that's installed by default and handles MP3) and see if it's in stereo.

These are the top rated real world Python examples of omxplayer. It is a video player specifically made for the Raspberry PI's GPU. By default the output is set to automatically select the default audio interface (HDMI if available otherwise analog).arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D copy foobar.