This theme is expected to assisst/contribute towards the quality improvement through the inclusivity of teaching and learning process that can be gained from many studies of researchers, practioners, workers in education professional learning, school improvement, curriiculum development and other fields that can help to promote its goals. SeptemThe theme of the 8th ICLS is “Professional Learning Community through Lesson Study for promoting student learning” is appropriate to respond the current issues in education, especially the issue related to the quality improvement through teaching and learning process. TGKH M.Zainuddin Abdul Madjid No.132 Pancor-Selong, East Lombok, West NusaTenggara INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LESSON STUDY “Professional Learning Community Trough Lesson Study for Promoting Student Learning” Directors: Sumar Hendayana, Ph.D. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit Zainuddin Abdul Majid No.132 Pancor-Selong Lombok Timur Telepon: (0376) 21394, 22359 Fax: (0376) 22954 Email: Ĭetakan Pertama, September 2017 ISBN: 977-8-7 Editor: Junaidi Marzuki, M.Ed.

Penerbit: Universitas Hamzanwadi Jalan TGKH. PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LESSON STUDY “Professional Learning Community Trough Lesson Study for Promoting Student Learning” Hak Cipta: Tim ICLS Universitas Hamzanwadi Hak Terbit: STKIP Hamzanwadi Press